
BCN Clàssics offers special prices for its concerts to certain groups:

Exclusive benefits for season-ticket holders
  • Direct discount on ticket prices (up to 25% depending on the type of season ticket).
  • With the purchase of a subscription, you will obtain the same discount applied to the purchase of extra tickets for the rest of the concerts.
  • Free access to all concerts on the Km0 music programme
  • Payment in instalments
  • Access to the best seats
  • Possibility of keeping the same seat for the whole season or changing it.
  • Personal service at concerts
  • Preferential access to activities (talks, open rehearsals and meetings with artists)
  • Regular information through a newsletter about BCN Clàssics concerts and activities.
Schools and other educational institutions

Escola 10. Tickets at €10 for groups from schools, colleges, universities and music academies.

Further information: (+34) 933 426 175 /

Young people
  • Espai Jove BCN Clàssics: Tickets with a 30% discount for under 35 years old in selected locations. Contact us for more information.
  • Cultura jove: Tickets at €20 for young people between 18 and 30 years old in selected locations through the Cultura jove program. More information:
  • Carnet Jove: Tickets with a 10% discount for young people under 30 years old. More information:
  • Quadern Cultura: Free tickets for 1st year ESO students and one companion. Purchase and collect tickets through and at the Tiquet Rambles office.
  • Bo Cultura: Purchase tickets through the Bo Cultura for young people aged 18, financed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. More information:
Special Prices or individuals with disabilities
  • Apropa Cultura: Locations available at very reduced prices for people in vulnerable situations. More information:
  • Special rates for people with disabilities over 33% (identified by their TAD card) with a 25% discount on the price of the ticket in any of the zones and an extra 5% discount on the price of the different season tickets. Special extendable price for a companion. In the case of people with a high degree of dependency in which the need for a companion is mandatory, the latter would enjoy free entry.
  • Wheelchair-accessible venues with a 30% discount. Information and sales: Tel. 93 342 61 75 /
Groups (10 people or more)

Groups. 10% discount on tickets for groups of 10 people or more.

Information and sales: / (+34) 933 426 175

TR3SC club members

TR3SC club members. Between 10% and 15% discount on the purchase of tickets for certain concerts. More information:

Club Vanguardia

5% extra on the price of subscriptions. 2x1 on selected concerts and between 10% and 15% discount on the purchase of tickets. More information:

Associations, professional guilds and groups

Associations, professional guilds and groups under agreement with BCN Clàssics. Discounts on season tickets and concerts.

Subscribe to BCN Clàssics 25/26

Discount on ticket prices.
Big concerts. The best seats. Payment by instalments.