Evgeny Kissin

Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms and Prokofiev

Concert from BCN Clàssics season 22/23. Purchased tickets are equally valid.


Ludwig van Beethoven

Piano sonata nº 27 in E minor, op. 90

Frédéric Chopin

Nocturne no. 2 in F sharp minor op. 48

Fantaisie in F minor op. 49


Johannes Brahms

4 Ballades op. 10

Sergei Prokofiev

Piano sonata nº 2 in D menor, op. 14


“After getting off to such an early and dazzling start, it is very difficult to know when he is going to peak, because he seems to have been installed at the top since his adolescence. It is almost impossible to refer to him without bringing to mind an overdose of superlatives because, when hearing him play the piano, the feelings he arouses are above all astonishment and disbelief.” [El País].

One of the most brilliant pianists on current classical music scene, Evgeny Kissin returns to BCN Clàssics in a concert that was posponed due to health problems of the artist. In this new occasion, Kissin will perform works by Beethoven, Brahms, Rachmaninoff and Prokofiev.


Evgeny Kissin piano

Information about the concert

Terms and Conditions
  • Ticket prices include VAT at 10%, but there are no handling fees.
  • BCN Clàssics reserves the right to modify the programming if any event beyond its control makes it necessary. If an artist is unable to offer a concert on the scheduled date, BCN Clàssics will seek a replacement for a renowned artist of international prestige. If this is not possible, an alternative date will be scheduled. The concert will only be cancelled as a last resort.
  • The cancellation of a concert is the only admissible reason for a refund of the amount paid for the tickets. In other cases, BCN Clàssics will not refund the amount paid for the tickets. Depending on the case, they can be exchanged for vouchers worth the same amount, which can be used for other concerts on the programme.
  • The listed ticket prices are indicative. BCN Clàssics reserves the right to modify the prices of certain concerts depending on the number of tickets sold.
  • Once a concert has begun, entry to the auditorium is not permitted.

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