Frederic Mompou El pont de Montjuïc (Montjuïc Bridge)
Miquel Ortega Combat del somni (Dream fight) (with Marisa Martins)
Isaac Albéniz Granada
Miquel Ortega Romance de la luna, luna (Romance of the moon) (with Marisa Martins)
Miquel Ortega Canción del jinete (Song of the horseman) (with Marisa Martins)
Miquel Ortega Zortziko, from Danzas europeas (European dances)
Albert Guinovart Nocturn a Elisa
Miquel Ortega Captard (Evening), from Porto la tarda recolzada al braç (I’ve spent the evening in contemplation) (with Àngel Òdena)
Albert Guinovart He somniat que dins la mar nocturna (I dreamt that in the night sea), from Els somnis (with Àngel Òdena)
Miquel Ortega Noche estrellada mirando a Gibraltar, from the series Pascua Florida (with Marisa Martins)
Miquel Ortega La puça, el gos i el gat (The flea, the dog and the cat), from the ballet Bestiari (with Albert Guinovart)