Concerts 2021/22

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Silvia Márquez Chulilla

Silvia Márquez Chulilla


Albert Guinovart & Joan Enric Lluna

Albert Guinovart & Joan Enric Lluna

Piano and clarinet

Escolania de Montserrat & La Grande Chapelle

Escolania de Montserrat & La Grande Chapelle

Missa Scala Aretina by Francesc Valls

Evgeny Kissin

Evgeny Kissin

Bach, Mozart, Beethoven & Chopin

Orchestre de la Suisse Romande & Jonathan Nott

Orchestre de la Suisse Romande & Jonathan Nott

Mahler's Fifth

Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra & Marin Alsop

Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra & Marin Alsop

Amb Schumann and Dvořák

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields & Julia Fischer

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields & Julia Fischer

Shostakovich's strings simfony

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Ticket information
and season tickets.
Mon. to Thu. from 9h to 18h.
Fri. from 9h to 15h

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